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18 July 2024

Schools2030 educator found factors outside of her classroom were having a big impact on her students

Safid Gul found that when she put time aside to listen to her students they would share the challenges they face and how it affects their education.

Safid Gul has been a teacher for eight years, and currently works at a Government Girls’ Primary School Murdan in Lower Chitral in Pakistan. Safid’s aim as a teacher has always been to create a supportive classroom environment and develop positive relationships with her students. Her hope is that by doing this, that she creates a safe space for her students to express themselves. 


She has found her biggest challenge is giving each student the time and support they deserve, especially when so many of her students are in need of additional support. Safid attended a Human Centered Design training session led by Schools 2030, which she attributes to providing her with the skills to identify the challenges her students are facing.

“The HCD [Human Centered Design] trainings we have received through Schools2030 have provided me with a different lens through which to identify student challenges and design appropriate solutions – it has centralised their interests and experiences and has made me empathise with them more. It is really a unique process and. I am really impressed.”


Safid Gul, Primary School Teacher in Government Girls’ Primary School Murdan in Lower Chitral.

Safid with the help of Schools2030 developed an interview process. She found that when she interviewed students they shared things with her she never would have known about before, and things that they did not feel comfortable sharing with their parents. 

“Before I had blamed students for not learning, but I was ignorant of their issues, like family conflicts, economic challenges at home, etc. As a result, I realised that many factors are at play that can have an to influence on their learning.”


Safid Gul, Primary School Teacher in Government Girls’ Primary School Murdan in Lower Chitral.

Safid is now trying her best to address the issues her students identify and share with her alongside help from her school colleagues and the students' families.

“Through the interview process, my trust in my students has increased – as well as theirs in me – and my attitude and relationship with them has been transformed.”


Safid Gul, Primary School Teacher in Government Girls’ Primary School Murdan in Lower Chitral.


Find out more about Safid’s work here