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Club for young children in Maths Mastery

in Numeracy

Practice created by Nazgul Kurmanbekova
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The Purpose of Math Club is to develop childrens' level of Math skills and knowledge. The club activities help to increase the engagement of children in maths and help to show that maths is a playful and diverse subject full of surprises. The club offers opportunities for more flexible learning as well. Parents and teachers play an important role in providing opportunities for children to learn and develop new skills. At the club with the help of parents and teachers we work with children to direct their own play and support them by enhancing or extending their play in learning Maths.

Step-by-step instructions for other teachers

1. Develop the thematic plans for lessons and activities
2. Organize introduction meeting with parents on presenting the practice and encourage them to actively involve in Maths Club activities in supporting children
3. Carry out thematic lessons on basic numeracy skills
4. Conduct joint fun and playful indoor and outdoor activities with parents and children in learning maths

What kind of results to expect?


At the end of project children will be able: • Understand size, shape, and patterns • Count verbally (first forward, then backward) • Recognize numerals • Identify more and less of a quantity • Understand one-to-one correspondence (i.e., matching sets, or knowing which group has four and which has five)

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