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Animal Number Garden Project

in Numeracy


In the Animal Number Graden Project, different animals are paired with their foods.For example a dog is paired with bones, a rabbit with carrots. The game also has animal puzzles that help in number identification. It enables learners to grasp core fundamentals of numeracy in an age appropriate,fun and engaging mode.The game is designed in aprogressive mode.Learners start with basic concepts such as Puzzles that nature number identification.On mastering the puzzle,the learner progress to more abstract concepts like addition and subtraction

Step-by-step instructions for other teachers

The teacher sticks animal pictures on recycled boxes and manillas.The animals are paired with their foods which are drawn and coloured on paper cut outs.(Dog-bone) Using wood glue,the cut outs are pasted on to the manila in form of addition and subtraction challenges for learners to solve
The game also has a puizzle which consits of number cut outs pasted on the different body parts of the animal.e.g a suirrel.The animal is cut out into a puzzle that the learners are tasked to assemble.The puzle supportsthe learner to recognize numbers and arrange numbers sequencing order

What kind of results to expect?


The practice will support learners identify number,count and develop their skills in addition and subtraction

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