Multiplication Bingo
in Numeracy
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Increasing speed, fluency and confidence when multiplying two numbers. Practicing multiplication of single-digit numbers.
Prepare number cards with the 42 numbers 1 to 10 on them.
Draw a 5 by 5 grid on a piece of paper or on the ground.
In the grid, place or write any numbers between 0 and 50. Put 1 number in each square for a total of 25 numbers. Place the remaining number cards in a deck.
Draw two numbers cards from the deck, e.g., 2 and 6.
The child multiplies the two 6 numbers (2x6 = 12) and looks to see if the number is on their grid. If it is, they cross it off, e.g., if there is a 12 in the grid, cross out the 12. If it is not on the grid, the next player gets to take a turn.
The child calls “bingo” when all of the numbers on the grid are crossed out.