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World of books

in Literacy

Practice created by Farida Torobekova
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World of Books is an extra-curricular reading program for children. As part of the program, students in grades 4-9 will have access to a variety of books, and during monthly extracurricular activities, children will have the opportunity to discuss, analyze books, express their point of views, dramatize, play role-playing games.

Step-by-step instructions for other teachers

1. Prepare two lists of books for grade 4 and grade 9. 2. Develop the plan of extracurricular activities. 3. Discuss with grade 9 children the plan of activities and develop the schedule of events. 4. Conduct extracurricular activities on a monthly basis.

What kind of results to expect?


Children will develop critical thinking and imagination. Reading and comprehension skills will improve.

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