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Changing Literacy culture in Primary School

में Social Skills

इनके द्वारा क्रिएट की गए प्रैक्टिस Bibi Tawoos
visibility 171
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सबकैटेगरीज और टैग्स


Language is not being practiced in schools according to the needs of the students. Local language Wakhi is focused. So i am trying to change the language culture to enhace students english language djilla (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

अन्य शिक्षकों के लिए चरण-दर-चरण निर्देश

Make a language Policy

किस तरह के परिणाम की उम्मीद की जाए?


Language culture is in the process to be changed. It is taking time to be changed so we are in The process to get posititive result.
प्रतिक्रिया दें

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