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Math laboratory

में Numeracy

इनके द्वारा क्रिएट की गए प्रैक्टिस Farida Torobekova
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सबकैटेगरीज और टैग्स

इनके द्वारा Faved


The mathematics laboratory - a space wherein teachers and students can find collection of different kinds of materials and teaching/learning aids, needed to help the students understand the concepts through relevant, meaningful and concrete activities; and where students can receive additional classes as well as consultations. The special attention will be paid to students with poor academic performance. A friendly,learning environment will increase the interest of students, as they can receive all the necessary information on this subject without fear.

अन्य शिक्षकों के लिए चरण-दर-चरण निर्देश

1. Make a list of willing students.
2. Identify the main difficulties in this subject using tests and interviews.
3. Develop the workplan, plan of extracurricular activities and schedule of math lab.
4. Weekly extracurricular acitivities, consultations and meetings.

किस तरह के परिणाम की उम्मीद की जाए?


We have more students who want to visit the laboratory. Students began to come here more often, because they began to understand that here they can get additional support, work with other students, talk with the math teacher after school hours.


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