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The Mathematical Treasure Chest

में Numeracy

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इनके द्वारा क्रिएट की गए प्रैक्टिस Tumarkan Kulueva
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सबकैटेगरीज और टैग्स


I addressed the issues of a lack of integration and relevance of mathematics in students' lives by creating a student-centric learning experience. This innovation has ignited a passion for mathematics among my students and aims to tackle some of the challenges faced by my school.

अन्य शिक्षकों के लिए चरण-दर-चरण निर्देश

To conduct interview with students, parents and teachers to identify a problem.

To collaborate with the school administration and other subject teachers to develop a comprehensive solution which is aligned with the needs and hopes of the entire school community, to enhance mathematics education and nurture critical thinking skills.

To plan a series of project-based activities. Each activity is oriented to be relevant to the local context, and projects span across various subjects such as physics, chemistry, geography, technology, computer science, domestic studies, and literary studies.

In project-based activities, students investigated key mathematical concepts as they were applied to real-life issues. And to further get a sense of applied mathematics, multiple guest speakers were invited to present how they utilize mathematical concepts in their daily lives; examples include successful entrepreneurs, agricultural experts, government officials, and more. Every so often, “The Mathematical Treasure Chest” also hosted mathematics competitions.

किस तरह के परिणाम की उम्मीद की जाए?


The outcomes of this innovation have been positive. Students have shown a large increase in their curiosity in mathematics and have started to recognize the interconnection between mathematics and other subjects. Instead of sticking to the usual math lessons, students now have the chance to express their ideas effectively while using various problem-solving methods.


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