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Adventure Club

ичинде Literacy

тарабынан түзүлгөн практика Nazgul Kurmanbekova
visibility 129
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Субкатегориялар жана тегдер


The Adventure Club aims to enrich the vocabulary and communication skills of 5-6 year-old children through various games and playful activities. The club will be organized by considering the conditions for the personal development of children, ensuring the speech development of the child through fairy tales, encyclopedias, and filmstrips. Children will learn about the environment, animals, insects, rocks, herbs and plants. The lessons and events of the club will be tutored by educators, and involvement of parents is essential, especially fathers in delivering some activities for children.

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1. Develop the thematic plans for lessons and activities
2. Organize introduction meeting with parents/fathers on presenting the practice and encourage them to actively involve in Club's activities in supporting children
3. Carry out thematic lessons on improving communication skills of children
4. Conduct joint fun and playful activities with fathers

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The children will be able: 1) Understand the multiple meaning of words. 2) Can make up short stories from the picture or a topic suggested by an adult 3) Pronounce sounds and vowels properly 4) Know and observe the rules of communication in public places, can communicate freely

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