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Speech therapy lab for children aged 5-6.

ичинде Literacy

тарабынан түзүлгөн практика Jypara Tashmamatova
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A professional expert, speech therapist will train our teachers on basic logopedic methods. We have already one session where an expert showed us several exercises how using fine motor children can improve their speech. Further teachers could apply this with several children and it was amazing to see how it affected children. We would like to have some more sessions on these kinds of logopedic methods and apply them in practice. Also, for applying some of them we need logopedic equipment. So our team decided to establish logopedic laboratory as well.

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As part of our design solution, we plan (i) to gain knowledge and skills on basic of logopedic therapy through trainings provided by an expert (ii) apply gained knowledge in practice with children during classes. (iii) establish logopedic laboratory equiped with learning materials. The most important point is that our project is sustainable, what our educators will learn stays with them and be applied to the children of the next generations too.

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Expexted results of our solutions: Educators know how to find the right, individual approach to the "closed child" who has speech problem. Children have enriched vocabulary, improved diction and clarity of speech, developed communicationa skills.

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