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Spot Fake News Quiz

ичинде Digital Skills

тарабынан түзүлгөн практика Annina Huhtala
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This 5-minute quiz helps children to recognise the 9 most commons signs of fake news. Combined with a 20-minute group discussion it is great hands-on practice to do with your class.

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Prepare to explain the term 'fake news' to your class in the beginning of the lesson.

Fake news = false or misleading information presented as news. Fake news often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity, or making money through advertising revenue.

Print out copies of the attached fake news article for each student.

Let children find the 9 signs of fake news from the image. Give 5 minutes if children work alone, and 10 minutes if they work in pairs.

Finally, go through each of the 9 signs together one by one. In addition with finding right answers, ask children 'why do they think it is important to be able to recognise fake news from real news?'

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We had a great conversation with children about the importance of separating truth from lies on the Internet after the exercise. The practical quiz helped to encourage critical thinking.



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