TATUA-Terraforming and Agricultural Techniques for Universal Advancement
ичинде Science
тарабынан түзүлгөн практика
Eco- Harmony Manyatta Africa
Субкатегориялар жана тегдер
Tatua is an agri innovation for food sourcing and agri conservative.
Башка мугалимдер үчүн түшүнүктүү нускамалар
Training on knowledge in sustainable farming and environmental conservation.
Training on practical skills on food sourcing and environmental conservation.
Practical mentorship of small scale farming including kitchen gardening and seedling raring.
Water harvesting skills and practice.
Implementing tree planting initiatives.
Upcycling waste materials.
Кандай жыйынтыктарды күтүүгө болот?
The feedback we got from the interviews was an enlightening point and form basis of the whole implementation process. We learnt the importance of community involvement in finding sustainable solutions on food sourcing and environmental conservation.