Working booklet
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working booklet is like a book which will help student to improve their language skills ( speaking, writing, reading and listening) through giving them work to do especially critical question which may requires learners to answer in their working booklet and sending their teacher for marking through reading what they have written which help them to get quick feedback and correction in their reading, speaking and writing. working booklet intends to solve English language problem facing form two students in all language skills
involves designing of working booklet by creating critical questions and giving students to answer in their working booklet.
Questions may be asked in different subject so as to enable learners ability to write and explain different concepts in all subject.
Below are example of sample of WORKING BOOKLET
After completing designing, setting of questions in the WORKING BOOKLET the printing and photocopying students are given in order to answer them.
Working booklet you can prepare for individual work student and group work which will help to get other learning outcome like collaboration, team work, leadership.
Below are picture showing students carrying their working booklet after have been given.
Students to return working booklet to their teachers where they are supposed to read what they have written in their working booklet. This will enable to measure their skills of reading and how they pronounce words are correcting him/her when there is mistake to pronounce.
Example of work which require student to read.
Involves designing again questions and setting them in the working booklet after completing the first phase and correcting them to library/shelves and become as their reference they can ask/take any time to read it.
As a teacher of respective level with cooperation with other staff will you continue preparation of WORKING BOOKLET after completing the first phase, second third fourth etc.
Also practice involves designing with DEBATE, SONGS, ACTING of academic issues so as to make them practices of speaking English language.