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Running, skipping, and hopping outdoors for strength, coordination, endurance, balance and space awareness. Helps also with critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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Determine which child will be "it" (the child run around tagging people).

Decide which areas are out of bounds. This will provide a contained space for the kids to play in.

The "it" child closes their eyes, and counts to 10. During this time, the other children run and hide.

Once the “it” child finishes counting they open their eyes and runs around trying to find and tag other kids.

To tag someone, the "it" child must pat a player's arm, shoulder or back. Children can move around as they are being chased to avoid being tagged. Once the "it" child tags a player, that player must stand still as if "frozen" in place.

The game comes to an end when everyone is frozen. The last person to get tagged becomes the next “it” child.

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This has been a practice provided by Learning Play Kit by Tucheze Kujifunza. We look forward to hearing from you how this practice worked out in your classroom!
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