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Fun with numbers

په Numeracy

دا تمرین چمتو شوی له اړخه ده Halima S.
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Faved له اړخه د


Having fun in numbers, problem: poor performance in mathematics. Solution: Creating mathematics hour every Thursday from 4:15 to 5:15 pm where students will be assigned a topic to discuss in a group discussion (peer to peer learning)after that they do a presentation while recording and later upload it in Google and the teacher awards marks, also during the normal maths session the teacher will be using 3D models in teaching to enhance students understanding

د نورو ښوونکو لپاره ګام په ګام لارښوونې
د څه ډول پایلو باید هیله ولرئ؟


Learners were excited to interact with the models.
خپل نظر ورکړئ

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