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Play-based Learning Center

په Literacy

دا تمرین چمتو شوی له اړخه ده Nazgul Kurmanbekova
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فرعي کټګورۍ او ټېګونه


To address the problem in developing the children's speech, our team implements Play-based learning center to improve communication skills of children. According to national standard, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the overall development of the health and safety of the child in the game developing environment and in the process of playing. In the center children's communication skills will be improved through performancing, role-playing games, additional folk and intellectual games, as well as the ability to follow the rules of daily games, lessons and exercises.

د نورو ښوونکو لپاره ګام په ګام لارښوونې

1) Organize a Play-based learning Center
2) Develop the thematic plans for lessons and activities
3) Carry out thematic lessons on basic literacy skills

د څه ډول پایلو باید هیله ولرئ؟


At the end of project children will be able: 1. Compose simple sentences independently 2. Pronounce sounds and vowels properly 3. Tell fairy tales, compose stories by describing toys 4. Compose a story on a selected topic with 4-5 sentences, tell short stories for children 5. Improve communication skills
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