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Robot Tree for a collaborative learning of literacy in highly populated classes.

په Literacy

دا تمرین چمتو شوی له اړخه ده Akol Racheal
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The Robot Tree gets learners together with different abilities in small groups to engage in assignments and share responses, helping those who can not express themselves in a class to come up and later have that pride of having their responses pinned on the 'Robot Tree' providing opportunity to celebrate the participation of all the learners during assignments. The tree remains as a reference to those who missed lessons.

د نورو ښوونکو لپاره ګام په ګام لارښوونې

Introduce the topic to the learner and set out the expectations. Group learners in manageable sizes to help in monitoring and facilitating the lesson.

Give assignments that relates to the topics and ask them to discuss and write in their notebook. Each group leader reads the answers to the class and both the learners and teacher validate the answers

Ask the learners in each group to write out approved responses into the manilla papers and pin them on the robot tree and all group members are celebrated

The robot tree with correct responses remains in class for some time to help those who missed the lessons and time takers catch up,

د څه ډول پایلو باید هیله ولرئ؟


More attention span from the learners More teamwork. Improvement by time takers in understanding the topics. Reduced teacher workload during lesson delivery Improved literacy level among the learners. Learners pay attention to environmental conservation. Reduced littering around and within the school. The teachers started using the robot tree. There is fun during lessons because learners are attracted to the robot tree.
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