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Young mathematicians play.

په Numeracy

دا تمرین چمتو شوی له اړخه ده Jypara Tashmamatova
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Our design team decided to organize following thematic classes on numeracy and make them enjoyable for children through play: "Amazing numeracy", "We like colorful shapes", "Numbers are our guests", "Who is a young mathematician", "Funny numbers". During these classes children will be well- equipped with learning materials, and thematic exercises, different games can make classes interesting and enjoyable. Good knowledge of numeracy help children to be well prepared for daily life at all ages, for example, in problem solving and decision making processes as well.

د نورو ښوونکو لپاره ګام په ګام لارښوونې

1. Plan development of the thematic lessons 2) Conduct information session for parents on the solution and encourage them to support children 3) Carry out thematic lessons on basic numeracy 4) Conduct monthly assessment of children on basic numeracy knowledge 5) Based on the assessment findings develop/review/update lesson plans

د څه ډول پایلو باید هیله ولرئ؟


By the end of the project 6 years old children will be able to: (i )сompare things of different sizes – ‘big’, ‘small’ and ‘medium’(ii) group things together and talk about ‘same’ and ‘different’(iii) use words to describe where things are – ‘over’, ‘under’ and ‘next to’ (iv) describe pictures with numbers – for example, 'three bears’ or two geese are going to the lake'. (iiv) play counting and sorting games sing number songs and rhymes (v) sort things according to the shapes, sizes, colors etc.
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