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Dynamic Themed Digital Library

em Literacy


Libraries are mostly used as detention centers and detested by many learners in many modern schools. This practice transforms the library into a center of interest for the learners by the learners by asking learners to participate in theme selection via secret ballot and the most popular themes are allocated time frames (months) during which design materials on the current theme will be on display in library while learners are expected to read on and make summaries on read titles in a journal. They are then expected to participate in debates on the topic of the month.

Instruções passo a passo para outros professores

do stakeholder lobbying and sensitization to get the goodwill, support and resources allocated for the practice.
1. get teachers of language to understand and support your idea
2. get management to understand, support and allocate resources for the practice
3. get learners in on the idea and have them own and embrace it

theme selection:
1. ask learners to participate in theme/topic selection by writing down the topics they would love to read on in the term and ask them to drop it off in a makeshift ballot box.
2. tally the written down topics and rank them in order of popularity.
3. begin with the most popular theme/topic going towards the least popular

theme the library:
1. create/purchase/find illustrations on the selected theme/topic and placed them on strategic points in the library/ reading room to remind and inspire the learners.
NB: if the institution is in a position to acquire some digital display devices (e.g. digital TV) it will save on recurrent expenditure on display materials and reduce on labor needs.
2. stock the library with reading materials relevant to the theme/topic (e-materials are always a plus since they greatly cut on costs associated with maintaining paper based materials e.g. physical space among others

Organize Debates:
organize debating contests on the current theme/topic and recognize the best learners in the contests at parades and registering them for external debating and public speaking contests.

Que tipo de resultados esperar?


within 6 months of implementation, there was a marked improvement in school attendance among learners involved in the practice, a number of learners that emerged top within the school debate program were recognized for their outstanding performance in external public speaking contests while the performance in English language improved by +0.68. We also noted that cases of book theft reduced to 2 in a month down from 5 per month among the learners.

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