My Guide Inside innovation is built upon timeless principles; simple blend of new and known!
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My Guide Inside innovation is built upon timeless principles; simple blend of new and known! The principles modelled, taught, discussed & practised in —My Guide Inside— operate in all people! The focus is on discovering well-being and understanding how we operate while also developing academic skills and competencies. All this … plus a variety of creative activities.
Instruções passo a passo para outros professores
Journaling materials. Art Materials. Computer for Video on Demand and My Guide Inside: Orientation for Educators See
Que tipo de resultados esperar?
Ex. Secondary Students MGI Focus Group
“I have become very focused in a direction that has helped me mentally and as well physically... my health and mental wellness have improved a lot.”
“Understanding Mind + Consciousness + Thought is something that will stay with me forever and I will pass it on to others. I am so glad that I have learned this valuable lesson at such an early stage in my life because now I will be able to apply this to my life throughout my journey after high school.”
“I see through the eyes of other people and become, I guess the word is, compassionate.”