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My Palm

em Arts & Creativity

Prática criada por Venance Matei
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students are struggling in Reading, writing and arithmetic (3Rs)

Instruções passo a passo para outros professores

My palm is the solution that the palm with 5 letters will be designed each finger will be comprised of numbers and letters. Both vowels and consonuts. Each palm will have 5 different numbers, letters and vowels which will enables students to identify them. This will go in hand with singing and sports to attact the students. Students will be familiar with different numbers and letters hence increases their literacy skills and numeracy. Having a shape of a palm and fingers attached with numbers makes students to remember numbers and letters when looking at their actual palms.

Que tipo de resultados esperar?


Students developed numeracy and literacy skills, their memory have been be boosted, their confidence increased, critical thinking and team work skills have been developed.

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