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Practicing hand clapping patterns to improve hand-eye coordination skills and developing and maintaining rhythms and patterns. Helps with communication and collaboration skills through clapping and reciting the rhythms.

Instruções passo a passo para outros professores

A pair of children recite the following rhyme as they clap each other's hands:

“Tic tac toe, give me an X give me an O,
3 times around the world
Rock, Paper Scissors shoot,
Rock beats scissors,
Paper beats rock,
Scissors beats paper,
I win you lose,
Now you get a big fat bruise,
And give them a touch
With your pinky”

Make as many different hand clapping patterns as you can while reciting the rhyme.

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This has been a practice provided by Learning Play Kit by Tucheze Kujifunza. We look forward to hearing from you how this practice worked out in your classroom!

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