Multiplication Catch
в Numeracy
Подкатегории и теги
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Improving mastery of multiplication tables, critical thinking and problem solving.
Пошаговые инструкции для учителей
Stand 3m apart from your child 2 and warm up by throwing a bean bag (or something similar like a small ball or a pair of socks) to each other. Throwing under arm works as well!
Choose a multiplication table for your child to work on. The thrower should ask a multiplication question from that table, e.g., “What is 3 x 5?”
When the ball is caught, the 4 second person should give the answer “15” and ask another multiplication question to the first person.
For every incorrect answer, the child should take a step backwards to lengthen the distance between the thrower and the catcher.
Каких результатов можно ожидать от применения методики?
This has been a practice provided by Learning Play Kit by Tucheze Kujifunza. We look forward to hearing from you how this practice worked out in your classroom!