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Reflex Catch

в Numeracy


This practice aims to improve number recognition skills and to coordinate between the right and left sides of the body when given different prompts.

Пошаговые инструкции для учителей

Stand 3m apart from your students and warm up by throwing a bean bag (or something similar like a small ball or a pair of socks) to each other. Throwing under arm works as well!

When the thrower shouts "Number 1", the bean bag must be caught with your left hand, with the right foot stepped forward.

If they call out "Number 2", the bean bag must be caught with your right hand, with the left foot stepped forward.

Start throwing the beanbag again with each thrower calling out “one” or “two” just before the beanbag is thrown.

To make the activity more complicated, add “Number 3” and “Number 4” to the
game. “Number 3” means catching the beanbag with the right hand, with the right foot stepped forward and “Number 4” means catching the beanbag with the left hand, with the left foot stepped forward..

See how many perfect throws and catches you can make in a row without dropping the bean bag.

Wall Ball: find a wall and start throwing a bouncing ball against it, calling numbers 1 – 4 to alternate the catching hand and foot stance.

Каких результатов можно ожидать от применения методики?

Результаты применения

Students develop self-efficacy, imagination and creativity skills when using this practice.

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