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Start with a book

в Literacy

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Engaging children in reading experiences presents infinite opportunities for developing language and emergent literacy skills. "Start with a book" aims to help children to get familiar with a book, recognize letters and sounds that will be initial skill for school-preparedness. During the reading process with children the opportunities provided for interaction by educators to increase children’s understanding of the book. After each reading activity the educators will resume how the characters, events, and messages within the story appeal to children, and ask them to retell the story.

Пошаговые инструкции для учителей

1) Make a list of necessary materials
2) Schedule and prepare the programs of reading activities 3) Organize introduction meeting with parents on presenting the practice 4) Conduct reflection after each reading activity

Каких результатов можно ожидать от применения методики?

Результаты применения

5-6 years-old children will be able: 1. Be able to communicate effectively with each other using complex sentences 2. Pronounce sounds and vowels properly 3. Understand the multiple meaning of words

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