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katika Numeracy

Mbinu imebuniwa na Naomi Kim
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Spice up math class by making basic operations fun to learn. This game combines basketball and math to create a fun, educational game! This is a game I also played when I was in elementary school!

Maagizo ya hatua kwa hatua kwa walimu wengine

Ready the ball. This can be a soft dodgeball or any other soft ball (you don't want students getting hurt or breaking things). If you don't have one, crumple up a piece of paper into a ball.

Prepare your players. Give each student a whiteboard or a piece of paper to do their work.

Play! Give the class a math problem (like 7 x 7), then set up a timer (or count in your head). Have your students write the answer on their whiteboards and hold it up. Instruct your class not to look at others' boards. When time is up, walk around the room to check the boards. Students with the correct answers can go and line up behind the basket/bucket/can and give the ball a throw. If the student makes it in, they get a point! Then, they pass the ball to the next in line, until everyone has thrown once.

Set up the "court." Place a bucket, basket, or empty trash can in an area that doesn't have fragile items (kids will be throwing balls here; make sure there's nothing like glass or expensive technology that can break!) Use tape or another marker to label the place on the ground where you want them to stand behind when throwing.

Win! After as many rounds as you want, count up the points and award the winner!

Je, unatarajia matokeo yapi?


My class was a lot more excited to do operations after this!

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