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Math Riddles

katika Numeracy


Students can apply various math skills to guess the mysterious number. This is a great way to get kids excited and thinking about math. Can be done in groups of individually.

Maagizo ya hatua kwa hatua kwa walimu wengine

choose the number: choose a number between a certain range. if your students are younger, choose a smaller range. if they are bigger, choose a larger range.

introduce the riddle: tell the students you have chosen a number between (start of range) and (end of range).

give the instructions: tell your students that they may ask you 10-20 (you can choose this number) yes or no questions using their knowledge of math. this is almost like a game of 20 questions!

some examples of questions your students can ask is:

is it bigger than 8?
is it odd?
can it be divided by 4?
when you add it to 6, do you get 9?

after asking all the questions, the students can guess the numbers!

Je, unatarajia matokeo yapi?


My kids had a ton of fun!

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