Roll the Dice
katika Numeracy
Practicing adding single digits.
Each child gets (or makes) 2 dice and writes the numbers 1 through to 12 on a piece of paper.
The first child rolls both dice and adds the numbers on the two dice together (e.g., dice one = 2, dice two = 3. 2+3=5)
The child crosses out the numbers that were added together on the piece of paper from their list of numbers (e.g., if the sum was 5, cross out 1 and 4 or 2 and 3). A different combination of numbers can be crossed out if it was not rolled as long as the sum of those numbers is equal to the sum of the numbers that was rolled on the dice.
The next child rolls the two dice, adds up on the numbers, and cross out the numbers on their paper.
The children keep taking turns.
When a child can no longer cross out any more numbers on their paper, the game is over.
Everyone adds up all the remaining numbers on their paper. This is their score. The child with the lowest number is the winner.