critical thinking book
дар Literacy
critical thinking book will help a students to make brain exercise by using different critical question which give a student to be able to explain him or her self, to build confidence, to be creative and to solve their own problem while are in school and after schooling.
Дастурҳои қадам ба қадам барои дигар муаллимон
1. to prepare a critical thinking book with different critical question so as to give a room for students to answer questions according to instructions given.
2. given student critical question
3. student to answer the question.
4. results.
1. the students they become confidence
2. 80% of student they answed critical question.
3. the student they become creaters. and
4. student they are able to solve their problems
Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?
student the becomes creaters. they build confidence and they become problem solvers