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дар Numeracy

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби John Mithamo
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Many a times learners do not visualize abstract concepts in mathematics and do not see the applicability of the concepts in real life. The design allows learners to participate in putting up concepts into tangible models. Learning in classroom in converted into an activated, material provided and space provided in a well designed mathematics resource center. Learners are given time to understand concept in classroom and design an activity that would convert the concept into tangible model either constructed or drawn.

Дастурҳои қадам ба қадам барои дигар муаллимон

Teach the concept in class and give learners the actual dimensions and ideas.
In groups of 4, give learners an exercise to model the idea into tangible model.
Say a concept in bearing-Provide manila, glue, rulers, protractor and compasses
In a piece of manila, leaners can draw the sea or ocean, model the boats and place them in their right position as described in bearing angles.

Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?


Learners were excited to see how abstract concepts can be put into models to simply visualisation of the concepts. Group work enhanced creativity and collaboration in learning. After feedback from learners, it was evident they can model other concepts which help them to see applicability of the concepts in real life situations

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