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Frosting a bulling free policy in school to improve learning environment.

дар Literacy

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби Anita SaeedAliAli
visibility 113
favorite_border Таҷрибаи Fave

Зеркатегорияҳо ва тегҳо


To conduct different session like diversity day celebration, art project day awareness sessions..through these activities we can over come the bullying problem from our school premises .

Дастурҳои қадам ба қадам барои дигар муаллимон

Draft policy and design policy
Call and text to all stack holders
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Get feed back from stockholders

Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?


Behaviour changing Stack holders positive feedback Students participation Students confidence level

Fave the practice to be able to join the discussion and comment favorite_border Fave