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Giving Wings to Learn

дар Arts & Creativity

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби Mohammad Kaleem
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Activity Based Learning is a learning process that differs from the traditional approach, which relies on the delivery of knowledge where learners are considered as passive learners. Activity-Based Learning dismantles traditional hierarchies by recognizing and utilising each child's inherent capacity to learn based on their individual abilities. It makes learning fun and engaging while ensuring that every child is heard and included. So it builds upon their capacity to exercise different ways of expressing and learning so the knowledge does not remain secondary or decontextualized rathe

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Found many students are struggling with Mathematics measurement units

Formation of group
I have created three groups as per child's learning level and started designing teaching practice as per level.

Open Market Activity

Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?


I noticed that many students particularly have difficulty with measurement units like litres and kilograms, meter and centimeter, and also in mathematical operations like addition and subtraction. To bridge this gap, as a teacher I decided to organize an open market at our school, focusing on measurement and units .This innovative approach is an intervention in Activity-Based Learning, designed to make learning more practical and engaging. By simulating a real market environment, students can directly apply theirknowledge of measurement units.

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