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Learning chemistry experiments using video clips

дар Science

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби Sidiqa Ahmadi
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By watching Chemistry video clips through the projector and practicing it in the laboratory, the capacity of students in the field of chemistry subject, grade 7 experiences will increase.

Дастурҳои қадам ба қадам барои дигар муаллимон

1. Preparation of chemistry chapters experience grade 7
2. preparation of the 7th grade video clips for the chemistry subject
3. coordination with the district education directorate
4. Divide students into groups and prepare a weekly schedule
5. Obtaining the consent of the students 'parents in the after-school curriculum and sharing the students' weekly schedule with them.
6. distribution of learning materials for students

Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?


By learning chemistry experiences through videos, the capacity of students will be increased on doing the experiments.

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