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Shadow Theatre

дар Literacy

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби Nazgul Kurmanbekova
visibility 136
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The Shadow Theater will be organized with the aim of developing children's communication skills. Shadow Theatre with using the puppet performance adds another dimension of curiosity to story telling and imaginative play. Playing with puppets children will learn new words and develop their speaking as well as listening skills.

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(i) Organizing a shadow theatre (ii) Arts and crafts: the screens for different scenes and the puppets can be created during art lessons.

Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?


5-6 years-old children will be able: 1) Understand the multiple meaning of words. 2) Know and observe the rules of communication in public places, can communicate freely. 3) Able to consistently and artistically tell short stories. 4) Create short stories on a picture suggested by an adult. 5) Pronounce sounds properly.

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