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The Metrological stars.

дар Science

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби Janat Namatovu
visibility 129
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Зеркатегорияҳо ва тегҳо


Using low cost local materials,teachers have made a weather station to enable learners understand the statistical concepts in Geography.Learners will collect daily data on rainfall, wind etc ,which will be interpreated making the lessons more relateable, practical and engaging.Learners will use the collected data to generate a weather report that will be shared on school assembly.

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1 Collect low cost local materials .
2.Assemble materials to make different instruments like an old tin to make a rain gauge,sticks and paper and sellotape to make a wind vane to find direction of wind.
3.Place the assembled items in a central location and instruct learners on their use
4.On a daily learners should iteract with the items to measure the different concepts.
Using data collected,learners with the help of teachers generate a report on the data collected
The report is shared on school assembly

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The solution will support teachers conduct more practicle Geography lesson.learners will have hands on expereince working with metrological equipment.



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