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Young mathematicians

дар Numeracy

Таҷриба эҷод шуд аз ҷониби Farida Torobekova
visibility 157
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Зеркатегорияҳо ва тегҳо


Young mathematician is a program of additional classes for students in grades 4-9, during which children will be able to receive additional lessons, consultations, and also take part in various extracurricular mathematical activities with the help of which we will teach them basic counting algorithms.Club activities will help children improve their math skills, discuss with the teacher the topics they are having trouble with, as well as provide additional time for children and teachers when they can have conversations on math topics.

Дастурҳои қадам ба қадам барои дигар муаллимон

1. Make a list of willing students. 2.Identify the main difficulties in this subject using tests and interviews. 3. Develop the workplan, plan of extracurricular activities and schedule of math club operation. 4. Weekly extracurricular activities, consultations and meetings.

Чӣ гуна натиҷаҳоро интизор шудан мумкин аст?


Mathematical literacy and performance of students in grades 4-9 will improve.Еxtra-curricular activities will increase students' interest in learning mathematics.

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