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Volunteer club

په Social Skills

دا تمرین چمتو شوی له اړخه ده Farida Torobekova
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The volunteer club will help improve the leadership skills of 9th grade students. Particular attention will be paid to boys, as it is boys who have difficulty in showing leadership skills and they are more shy. The club will hold events such as Brain rings, concerts, meetings,community projects. The club will create a corner of nature, make and show the rest of the trash bins (from improvised means such as cardboard, adhesive tape), will hold actions in areas such as a clean environment, landscaping the school grounds, and collect books. The club will cooperate with youth NGOs.

د نورو ښوونکو لپاره ګام په ګام لارښوونې

1. Develop the club symbols together with club members. 2. Develop the plan of action and schedule of club operation. 3. Develop and approve the action plan. 4. Initiate and implement school/community level events and projects.

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The club will help increase the boys' interest in learning, will contribute to broadening their horizons, developing speech, self-development and self-knowledge. Students will be able to express their opinions clearly, thereby having the opportunity to communicate with people around them without embarrassment. Will improve boy's leadership skills.
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