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“Young architect” Club

em Numeracy

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Prática criada por Medina Moldalieva
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To improve students' performance in mathematics and teach them to apply mathematical concepts in real life, Tugol uulu Usupbek secondary school team organized the "Young Architect" club. As part of the club, 9th grade students learnt to design and then construct classroom furniture based on mathematical equations. The club's activities helped students gain useful knowledge about industries such as architecture, design and information technology.

Instruções passo a passo para outros professores

1) Young architects learning to design the furniture in PRO100 software

2) Young architects presenting what mathematical formulas they used in furniture design

3) Making furniture at school workshop

Que tipo de resultados esperar?


Students learnt to use mathematical and geometric knowledge in solving real-life problems; Involving students in the club encouraged them for career development, i.e. they were introduced to such professions as designer, architect, carpenter, programmer, which are among the most desirable professions; Students are encouraged for active participation in Mathematics lessons.

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