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Make and Send 'Thank You' Cards

katika Literacy

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Expressing written appreciation and practicing the value of appreciation. Also, identifying and describing the components of a ‘thank you note’.

Maagizo ya hatua kwa hatua kwa walimu wengine

Discuss the contents of a thank-you card with your child and decide whom the card will be for (e.g., a friend, sibling, parent, teacher).
• Greeting: How you address the recipient (E.g., Dear...)?
• Message: Write a sentence or more expressing your appreciation for the person or something they did. Be specific. What exactly is it that you are thanking this person for? Include the phrase “thank you” in the message.
• Closing/Sign off: Use words such as sincerely, all the best, with love
• Your name: Write your name so the recipient knows who sent the card.

Write the card. Complete the inside with the greeting, message, closing, and name.

Decorate the card. Draw/write/glue images or small objects on the front, inside and/or back.

Give the card to the recipient.

Je, unatarajia matokeo yapi?


This has been a practice provided by Learning Play Kit by Tucheze Kujifunza. We look forward to hearing from you how this practice worked out in your classroom!

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