Critical Thinking Book
katika Thinking Skills
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Shaibu Mandova
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Critical Thinking
Maagizo ya hatua kwa hatua kwa walimu wengine
The solution aimed at improving critical thinking among students through critical thinking books. This will also increase brainstorming capacity where different types of books will be given to students to discuss the content and answer questions. The session will be conducted every Wednesday of a week on the critical thinker’s club. Students will be given a chance to narrate what they have read before their fellow students, drawing the obtained messages on the board for learning. This solution builds confidence among students, creativity and problem solver which contributes to critical thinkin
Je, unatarajia matokeo yapi?
This solution builds confidence among students, creativity and problem solver which contributes to critical thinking among students. Students will also be given an open book with a hint for them to write.